Punda Amechoka and It Shows: How Kenya’s Youth Are Paving the Way for Reform

Lucky Griffin
2 min readJun 18, 2024


A snippet of a post protesting for the Activist Hanifa to be freed following her arrest during the protests against the finace bill 2024 in Nairobi, Kenya.

For a long time, I have believed that Kenya needs a revolution led by the people, for the people. However, it always seemed that the crucial catalyst for this change was missing. Although leaders like Raila Odinga have been significant, they represent a generation whose influence has waned. Real change requires a politically aware and active youth, ready to fight for their rights.

Compound image of Kenyan Youth Protesting against the Finance Bill 2024

Until today, it appeared that the current generation of Kenyan youth was too apathetic. However, I have been both impressed and inspired by the Gen Z-led protests against the finance bill. There is hope for a better Kenya, and it seems we are nearing the critical mass needed to trigger real change. The political consciousness of young Kenyans will likely be reflected in the 2027 elections, holding grassroots leaders accountable for their actions during crucial times.

Picketing by a woman in Kenya protesting the introduction of taxes on sanitary pads in the finance bill 2024, in Nairobi, Kenya.

Unlike past elections, where public relations stunts and vote-buying were sufficient to secure office, this time promises to be different. A generational shift in leadership is on the horizon, with discussions about forming a millennial and Gen Z political movement gaining momentum. It is only a matter of time before the youth unite and demand a new era of leadership. Freedom is coming; the fourth liberation is beckoning.

For more updates and engaging conversations about Kenya’s political landscape and other important topics, follow me on X @lucky_griffin_ and tune in to The Griffin Podcast. Join the movement and stay informed



Lucky Griffin

I am a writing and web developement professional with a background in Industrial Engineering.